Dancing with Invisible Light [Kinect]

29 04 2011

The artist y3rdua recently did a stunning collection of photos by capturing the infra-red beams Kinect uses to “see” you. Click the jump to see more or go to y3rdua’s flicker page HERE

Kinect y3rdua

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Mix Day One – Keynote

19 03 2010

Mix started off with a kick. As expected, the focus of the keynote on day one was the new Windows Phone 7 platform. For those of you who were there, you will remember the rather amazing pre-show entertainment. Check out a video and a long post after the jump…

MIX10 Keynote ScottGu WP7 Windows Phone Silverlight

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I’m attending MIX10

26 02 2010

Alternate title: Vegas Baby!

I’ve finally been confirmed as one of the three representatives that Avanade will be sending to MIX in Las Vegas. This will be the first major conference I’ll be going to and I’m SO excited. I will travel with my good friend Michael “The Bear” Bjorn and a Norwegian colleague named Petri Wilhelmsen. We’re leaving on the 13th of March and I just can’t wait. I’ll be updating the blog with information and impressions before and during MIX in a regular fashion.


Windows Mobile is dead! WP7 lives!

16 02 2010

Announced recently, the Windows Phone 7 series seems to have great potential. It really gets my heart racing to see Microsoft put an end to the atrocity that was Windows Mobile and step into the future. With the great functionality for Xbox Live users, I know a man or two who’ll jump on this immediately.

At MIX10 this march, Microsoft will give away the full details on the phone, seminars, workshops and… SDKs. I really hope I, or someone close to me, is able to go and retrieve all the delicious information.

Remember when I talked to Scott Guthrie and he was all like “Sometime around march *wink wink*” when asked about Windows Mobile and Silverlight? I think this is it. The announcement I’ve been waiting for will come during MIX. I can’t wait!


Scott Guthrie in Stockholm

3 12 2009

So yesterday I went with @Uddstrom and Ciel to watch Scott Guthrie speak. It was a long seminar (5h + lunch) but very informative. He talked about changes coming in Visual Studio 2010 which some of them were new to me and some of them not so much.

 Scott Guthrie Stockholm Ciel Scott Guthrie Stockholm @Uddstrom
Ciel & @Uddstrom

I managed to ask him two questions, one of which had a very interesting answer…

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My take on Silverlight 4 at PDC

20 11 2009

As of yesterday, the Silverlight 4 beta is available to everyone (with VS2010). Since I’m currently working on this darned mobile app, I haven’t had a chance to test it but some of the changes seem very nice. I’ve been working quite a bit on a webshop created solely in Silverlight and know that some of the new features could be useful.


I think that I’ve personally most been wanting the Rich Text Editor for some time now. That’ll come plenty in handy when presenting and recording information. Data Grid is of course a huge item that many developers have been pining for which now will make “serious” apps more viable.

The fact that Silverlight is being enabled out of browser with elevated permissions is not only an interesting change of scope but also begs the question: now that Silverlight is OOB and WPF is enabled online, how big are the differences really and will we see a merger within a year or two of the two technologies? Of the two, Silverlight has by far the sexier name if nothing else.

I’ll be updating more as I try out the new beta sometime next week. Until then, all I can offer are a couple of nifty links.

Silverlight 4 SDK

Silverlight toolkit (updated)

Channel 9 course on SL4


Scott Guthrie is coming to Sweden

18 11 2009

One of the .Net worlds most well-known personas ScottGu is coming to Sweden. He is giving a five (!) hour long lecture on VS2010 and other magical things the 2nd of December. Participation in the event is free. Go get registered now right…



