Thoughts on cross platform and HTML5

9 09 2011

My friend Ciel and I are discussing phones as usual. He’s getting an Android from his new employer. We talk a while about apps and I tell him that if I want a platform with bad app support, I’ll choose WP7 any day. We talk a bit more and get into cross platform support. It bugs us that, aside from Mono, there is no real effort to do cross platform development for the different mobile devices. Maybe HTML5 is the future and native apps are going away as my friend Michael Björn suggests, but I don’t think were there yet.

However, when it comes to HTML5, it’s clear in my eyes who’s leading the charge. Since I attended MIX this year, I was able to pull this video clip from YouTube to show Ciel. He agreed that hardware accelerated browsing was the future and that it might prove an important aspect for app developers. I wish I could pull any event from my memory into existence in this way.

Look for me in the front row

Windows 8 Tech Breakfast

6 09 2011

My good friend and colleague Jonathan Zaar recently informed me that the Microsoft event on Windows 8 that I’d been looking forward to, was delayed without a new date. 

I took this not as a loss, but as a challenge and am now hosting my own Windows 8 event for Avanade Sweden employees. Unlike the tech-breakfast after MIX11, which was six months delayed, the information at this tech-breakfast will not be six DAYS old. Hot off the presses and run through your favorite subjective tech filter (me), it’s going to be glorious.

Tech-Breakfasts are a long standing tradition where members of the Avanade community meet to chat, discuss latest developments, and eat tasty sandwiches.


Wild predictions for MIX11

31 03 2011

As I mentioned before, I’ll be attending the glorious MIX conference for the second year in a row this April. Last year, Microsoft showed off IE9 and Windows Phone 7 for the first time, and good times were had by all. This year, we could either see a more timid year with more focus on sessions, or an even more astounding show than the last. Beneath are some of my wild and baseless predictions.


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I’m going to Mix11

10 03 2011

I depart for MIX11 one month from today. I had a great time last year and this year might just top that. Las Vegas was a fun town to visit and I got some great souvenirs from last year (dice and knowledge, not chlamydia).

I’m going to travel with Michael Björn and Johan Nedin from Avanade. I’ll try to start up my blogging again so I’m warmed up when the show hits. Actually bought a netbook in order to be able to blog properly during the show.

Stitched Panorama